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Our Partnership workings.
NONGOR has been working together partnership with Family Health International (FHI) Bangladesh since June 2006 by establishing MODHUMITA Integrated Health Center financed by USAID under the project “HIV & STI Prevention Project among Injecting Drug Users” and thereafter a VCT (Voluntary Counseling & Testing) Clinical Lab Services has also been set up in October 2007 which is still successfully running with its quality of global standard. We are also working with UNHCR, USAID, IOM, SAVE THE CHILDREN, EUROPEAN UNION & LOCAL Government.

Recent Activities
You can also have <a District administration & Narcotics Control department of Coxs’ Bazar, Organized a Rally & Seminar at Cox’s Bazar today. a rally start from front of DC office to BIAM Laboratory auditorium Lead by Director General of DNC Mr. Bajlur Rahman along with District Administrations Officers, Police, Civil Societies leaders, NGO’s, Students & General peoples at 10am.
After the Rally held a Seminar at BIAM auditorium where ADC General Mr. Anupam Saha PhD was Chair & Director General of DNC Mr. Bajlur Rahman was as a Chief Guest. Sector Commander of BGB Colonel Mr. Khalekuzzaman, Additional Police Super Mr. Tofaiel Ahmed, D.D. L.G. Mr. A.S.M. Alauddin Khan, District Awamileague President Advocate Mr. Ahammad Hosen also performed as a Special Guests at the Seminar.

Nongor in Development.
NONGOR is working for Social development especially for the Women & Youth development. we are giving Vocational & Agricultural Training to them for Economical development. We are also incorporating civil society and other social elements to work together in the battle against poverty. NONGOR is always trying to perceive development from a rights view point and continue questioning any development philosophies or approached within the light of ethnic, diversity, culture, practice and values of Bangladesh.

Our Engagements.
Nongor is engaged with different types of social activities & social welfare . We are involved in Child education, rehabbing Drug addicted people to come back in society, We give Vocational training to rehabbed people for establishing in Society as self confident person. We have Micro Credit activities for helpless people. Nongor is building up Drug free society and setting up environment neat & clean for better future. Our activities against RAP, Kidnapping & Human Trafficking also well known. We celebrate all National and International Days.
NONGOR being a Voluntary, nonprofit, social development Organization was established in 2001. NONGOR was registered under the social welfare services of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh in 2004. The registration number is Cox’s – 274/04. NONGOR also registered with department of Narcotics Control reg. No DNC – 0043, Youth Development Department reg. No – 146 & NGO affairs Bureau reg. No. 2803. It began by carrying out drug awareness sessions in schools, colleges and local Ward Commissioners’ offices. Between 2001 and 2006, NONGOR initiating an own funded rehab & detoxification treatment project for vulnerable & marginalized drug dependent population around Cox’s Bazar and thereafter at Teknaf Upzilla. NONGOR ran a three-month program on the Narcotics Anonymous 12 step model. Over 500 drug dependent clients free from drugs & served over 20,000 beneficiaries throughout the health project. NONGOR has been working together partnership with Family Health International (FHI) Bangladesh since June 2006 by establishing MODHUMITA Integrated Health Center financed by USAID under the project “HIV & STI Prevention Project among Injecting Drug Users” and thereafter a VCT (Voluntary Counseling & Testing) Clinical Lab Services has also been set up in October 2007 which is still successfully running with its quality of global standard.
NONGOR are the first lunching VCT Services among most-at-risk groups preferable for (I)DUs at South Chittagong, found HIV positive cases and ensure care, support & treatment as well. We continuing TB promotional activities through referral mechanism and suspected TB patients referred for taking treatment to nearest treatment center of TB. However HIV/AIDS is a top priority to the world communities as it is a disease that kills hundreds of thousands of people every year. In Bangladesh the number of HIV affected people is still a few but it is in danger zone as the country is bordered with two highly affected countries named India and Myanmar. As we know Cox’s Bazar is in very suitable geographical position in communication with “The Golden Triangle”- the most terrible zone of drug production and traffic. Meanwhile to achieve the organizational core objectives, activities included the application of best practices on prevention, care & treatment, capacity building, policy and advocacy work. NONGOR also promoted experience-sharing and replication of key best practices in HIV & STI interventions through Youth corner through YPSA-GFATM Project # 902 package. NONGOR also implementing under Climate change issue “Promotion and utilization of sustainable soil management and participatory agricultural development practices to improve household food security in Teknaf Upazilla (Nhila & Whykong)” under the Food Security Programme-2006 finance by EU. These contributed to successful program scale up and strengthened the capacity of institutions and networks to contribute to the response. NONGOR starts its journey as a volunteer organization and now turned into a potential rights and advocacy platform for the poor, marginal, ethnic and socially excluded people. It is also incorporating civil society and other social elements to work together in the battle against poverty. NONGOR is always trying to perceive development from a rights view point and continue questioning any development philosophies or approached within the light of ethnic, diversity, culture, practice and values of Bangladesh.