HIV & STI Prevention Project

Public awareness

Public awareness

Light of NONGOR

Light of NONGOR

NONGOR are the first lunching VCT Services among most-at-risk groups preferable for (I)DUs at South Chittagong, found HIV positive cases and ensure care, support & treatment as well. We continuing TB promotional activities through referral mechanism and suspected TB patients referred for taking treatment to nearest treatment center of TB.

However HIV/AIDS is a top priority to the world communities as it is a disease that kills hundreds of thousands of people every year. In Bangladesh the number of HIV affected people is still a few but it is in danger zone as the country is bordered with two highly affected countries named India and Myanmar. As we know Cox’s Bazar is in very suitable geographical position in communication with “The Golden Triangle”- the most terrible zone of drug production and traffic.

Target Group:

  • High-risk & vulnerable population (Injecting drug users)
  • Disadvantaged, vulnerable, victimize women
  • Children from extreme poor/marginalized family
  • Street children
  • Ethnic & minor Community
  • People with Disable
  • Adolescent and Children
  • Refugee

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