Our Experience

Student-Job-Search---Volunt NONGOR being a voluntary, nonprofit, social development organization registered with the different department authorities of the people’s republic of Bangladesh including Department of Social Service & Department of Narcotics Control, was established as a pioneer organization initiating an own funded drug dependence rehabilitation health project at Cox’s Bazaar in 2001, then it initiated another drug dependence rehabilitation health project for (I)DUs at Teknaf in 2005. NONGOR also has the registration of Youth development Department and has been implementing “HIV Prevention and Control among High Risk Population and Vulnerable Young People in Bangladesh” (GFATM Package # 902, R-6, P-2) in collaboration with YPSA.

NONGOR has been working in partnership with FHI Bangladesh since June 2006 by establishing Modhumita Integrated Health Center under Bangladesh AIDS Program financed by USAID namely HIV & STI Prevention Project among Injecting Drug Users [(I)DUs] to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS and thereafter a VCT Clinical Lab (Voluntary Counseling & Testing Services) has also been set up at Teknaf Upazila in October 2007 which is still successfully running with its quality of global standard.

NONGOR are the first lunching VCT Services among most-at-risk groups preferable for (I)DUs at South Chittagong & found HIV positive cases as well. NONGOR established TB promotional activities through referral mechanism and suspected TB patients referred for taking treatment to nearest treatment center of TB. Recently we have appointed a sputum collector under TB-CAP Program & creating access to TB Services and HIV testing of TB patients supported by a powerful Modhumita communication program.

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